serenity Database roadmap to bring our HEROES HOME. REDUCE HOMELESSNESS & UNEMPLOYMENT REDUCE MENTAL & PHYSICAL HEALTH ISSUES REDUCE SUICIDES & PTSD / CPTSD REDUCE ADDITIONS / DISORDERS REDUCE DIVORCE & CHILD CUSTODY BATTLES REDUCE CHILDHOOD TRAUMA & SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION INCREASE EDUCATION & CERTIFICATIONS INCREASE INCOME & CAREER OPPORTUNITIES INCREASE SINCE OF SELF WORTH & QUALITY OF LIFE serenity is a database designed to be an all-inclusive database that resolves many issues that we face each and every day. Mental and physical health, disorders, addictions, and deficiency of the human body. This database will address each person from the ground up starting with their food and beverages, to their vitamins and minerals, exercise, sleep, and so much more. A holistic approach to help our veterans and their families get their quality of life back again. We search from the ROOTS of their problems rather than chasing symptoms. SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM: Why are our veterans facing these problems? I have been labeled as a National Security Risk and I am on at least one of the Watch Lists because our government (which created me) fears me and others like me. The government told us that everyone was our enemy and that we came in peace while carrying our guns. We were used by the banks who funded the wars and political parties who drew lines in the sand for us to stand. Our nation is hated because of what our leaders did and we (and our families) suffer the wounds, birth defects, and life-long issues that they created. PRIMARY FOCUS: The primary focus of this database is to help our Veterans, but it can work for anyone. The database helps reduce homelessness, unemployment, mental and physical health issues, PTSD/CPTSD, divorce, child custody battles, and addictions while increasing education & certification, careers, personal growth, income and since of self-worth. This database could even assist the government in assigning people to military careers based upon their aptitudes and interests instead of blind fate. SUICIDE: Each day 16.8 veterans commit suicide. XX MALE VETERANS and X FEMAL VETERANS and XX VETERAN DEPENDENTS commit suicide every day. The reason that I put X and XX is because any number of too many and that number changes each and every day and numbers like womans suicides are composted of two groups (suicide and attempted suicides). Government agencies try to find ways to pull veterans and their families apart so that the true numbers of how back things actually are because segmenting the data by “PER 10,000” and dependents are removed too (like there are not a part of our family, not our caregivers, not important enough to keep us going). Our dependents were typically the only ones who helped us keep it together. DOD Report: In CY21, 168 family members (1.2 per day) died by suicide, including 114 spouses and 54 dependents. While every death by suicide is a tragedy, we are cautiously encouraged at this reduction from the previous year (CY20) data that indicated 202 dependent deaths by suicide. HOMELESS VETERANS: Of the estimated 18 million veterans 7.4% are reported to be homeless. That is an estimated 1,332,000 veterans are homeless. WHEN will we matter? I have walked that razors edge for more than 30 years. PTSD / CPTSD / TBI: Vietnam 30%, Gulf War 10%, Iraq 15%, Afghanistan 11% (inclusive estimate 30% combat related PTSD). But PTSD is not just a wound of combat. From the minute your bus arrived at bootcamp strangers were screaming and yelling at you, during training you had loud noises, and for those who lost limbs or their buddies due to explosions TBI causes PTSD like symptoms. ALCOHOL & DRUGS: I knew Marines who had to take antabuse to deal with their alcoholism. But recent discoveries show that drugs are alcohol dependency may be something that is caused by a basic chemical imbalance in the body. DISABLED: 2.1 million veterans have service-connected disabilities. The government shows the public how much it costs them while they continue to create and fund the wars. Disabled (veterans or not) are treated differently. Society acts like we are no longer human, less abled, unabled, useless, malingerers, and isolated from others, etc. TOXINS / POISONS / BIOLOGICAL: It was not just military and veterans who were exposed to toxins, poisons and biological agents. Our dependents, the people within those nations and those who visit them too. The water, the land, the food, and even the air has been poisoned by the governments of the world. EDUCATION: Our nation is rapidly becoming a third world (BY DESIGN) and most are unaware of the game that is being played. FAITH: Our nation has lost its direction because it has outlawed FAITH. Tired of the nightmares, the feelings of being lost, always on guard, fighting everything and everyone, unable to find your way, running, and hiding? We even have a section for those who are seeking their creator. Sin and the since of being lost are two of the core feelings that drive suicide. We do not drive people to Christianity. AS part of your purpose filled path you will INVESTIGATE what is your choice. However, that being said we cast out the demons that plague peoples soul and nightmares. TOOLS FOR HEALING: There are many tools that can be used to help people heal. Music, art, lights, and every other since that humans have. We are here to help UNSCREW what got screwed up in you. This is just a sample of how our approach to the problems is different from the system that fails so many: * graphs from VA 2020 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report
Help us give back to our veterans by building communities that will help them help themselves. Every dollor donated goes into programs to prevent veterans from falling again.
WE SUPPORT OUR TROOPS 740-670-1886 1701 Sailor Rd, Vinton, OH 45686